Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our seaside holiday 2014

We were at the South Coast for the first week of January.  I always enjoy the sea and the beach - but this was the first time that the heat and humidity were a bit too much for me!  Not sure if pregnancy played a roll in that or whether it really was just crazy hot, and the chalet we stayed in didn't have aircon - I found myself thinking of reasons we had to go somewhere in the car, just to enjoy the aircon! ;-)

Both Wyn and I celebrated our birthdays while on holiday - it was super special that we were just the three of us together, really some special quality time. ♥

Mia got stung by bluebottles the one day on the beach, while splashing in the shallow waves with her pappa.  I felt so sorry for her!! Wyn handled it so well, rinsed her in the sea first, then we went to the resort swimming pool for a quick swim to get all the sea sand off, and then a lukewarm bath with Dettol in, gave her some pain meds, and put Burnshield on the sting to soothe it.  Within an hour she was fine, playing, chatting.  She didn't go into the sea for the rest of the holiday though, poor thing.

We were super lucky with beautiful weather - sunshine every single day.  The resort swimming pool is really nice, so we enjoyed a swim every afternoon there, sharing ice creams and cold drinks. :-)

We ate at Ramsgate's Waffle House the one day - had to wait an hour to get a table, but it was worth it, those waffles are just super delicious.  On my b'day my choice lunch was prawns and calamari at John Dory's - yum yum!

It was a nice holiday - but it's nice to be back home, no place like one's own bed!


  1. Aw man, poor little Mia Mooi. Isn't there something about peeing on a bluebottle sting? I can just imagine rather not :-)
    Oh, hey, I had John Dory's prawns and Calamari last saturday. Lurve seafood.
    As usual, lovely pics of the glam fam. Can't wait for Ella Jill to join the cast

    1. LOL, yes, afterwards when I googled blue bottle stings, lots of advice was to pee on the sting - but it's actually just because they say to not use cold fresh water on the sting, that can worsen the pain - so to rinse with sea water, and then lukewarm water. ;-)
      Yum, I love seafood too!
      Thanks for looking at pics!

  2. PS, make your Melting Moments yesterday. Was a bit worried when they actually started melting in my hand! Then I remembered that you did say to keep the mixture cool. I suppose the 30 degree heat in PE didn't help either. They went down a treat, love them. Have added the recipe to my file and called it "Jess's Melting Moments'

    1. Oh yay, glad you made them and glad they were yummy!! :-)))


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