Sunday, April 27, 2014

Introducing... Ella Jill Viljoen

Ella Jill Viljoen was born on Wednesday 23rd of April, at 11:58am.

Stats: 2.8kg, 50cm, Apgar score of 8/10 and 9/10.

Birth story coming soon!

We came home on Friday, and busy settling down nicely, we're all totally in love with this lil person. ♥


  1. She is just as gorgeous as Mia! Once again, a big congratulations, dearest Jess!
    May she bring you a lifetime of love and joy.
    Welcome to the world stunning Ella!

  2. Many congratulations to you all, what beautiful blessings you have. xx

  3. Tears in my eyes - She's gorgeous, looks just like Mia Mooi.
    May you and your lil family blessed

  4. She is beautiful Jess! Huge congratulations! May your family receive many blessings.


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