Monday, September 2, 2013

Recycling Effort :-)

The residential estate where we live, has launched a new recycling initiative, done through WastePlan. 

We all got a big blue dustbin delivered to each house. 

In it we can throw away the following recyclable waste products: paper, cardboard, magazines, clean plastic, rinsed plastic bottles, rinsed milk bottles, rinsed food tins, scrap metal, rinsed glass, and polystyrene like fruit punnets.  They collect it every week, and they do the sorting into different categories.

I'm quite keen to do my best to reduce our carbon footprint!


  1. I'm also quite keen to do this type of thing, but I don't have a clue where to take it once I've sorted it. It's nice that the agent will sort for you. If we all did this the world would be cleaner for it, unfortunately I think most of us have this thing of "Can I, as 1 person, possible impact the environment"
    Good on you, great idea from the Estate

    1. Ja, gosh, it helps a lot that the company do all the sorting for us, instead of having so many different bins for the different types.

      That's what Wyn said, how can we actually make a difference - but ag, it's nice to feel like we're taking part in the effort!

  2. We have had recycle bins for about 2 years now and it works really well. We put ours into clear plastic bin bags before we put it in the bin. I now only put out our "rubbish" in twice a month and usually only have one bag in that bin! It is a great initiative by your Estate.
    Hugs. xx

    1. Oh yay, that's awesome that u guys do the same!

  3. Very nice, such a fab idea from the residential estate's side! I might just suggest something similar for our complex :-)

    1. Good idea to put it forward to your complex! :-)


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