Friday, May 9, 2014

Today I have a happy, thankful heart

I had an epiphany this morning, when I saw the beautiful blue sky and sunshine.  I turned the song on the radio up loud, sang along, and basked in the feeling of a happy, thankful heart.

 Motherhood is such a rollercoaster journey.  So many intense emotions, from overwhelming exhaustion and frustration to pure love that makes your breath catch and your heart skip a beat.  Motherhood means sacrifice and compromise, but it also means little voices that whisper, “I love you Mommy” with a soft kiss to my cheek, and it means teeny tiny hands wrapped around my little finger and newborn eyes staring up at me.

I’ve been scaring pregnant friends by telling them that having a new baby is a hostile take-over of your life.  That the sleep deprivation is tough.  That it’s all-encompassing, there’s hardly any time for yourself.  Now while I don’t want to sugar-coat the experience of having a newborn baby in the house and make it sound like it’s all moonshine and roses…  I realise I should spend more time telling them how wonderful it is to hold such a tiny body, to breathe in their smell, to stare in awe at the perfection of their creation.  The wonder of breastfeeding, and the sense of peace to have a baby fall asleep in your arms.  That the special moments by far outweigh the difficult times and make them a distant memory - the good times remain.

I look at my beautiful three-year-old, and I know how fast time goes by.  I want to savour each baby stage for what it is, do my best to notice and enjoy all the little moments.  I want to take lots of photos.  I want to create special memories for my daughters. Traditions. Fun, happy times.  I want to feel all that motherhood has to offer, and delight in it.

Time goes by way too fast.  Each day is precious, each day has something to offer me, each day has an opportunity for my children.  I want to grab hold of each moment and make it count.

Thank you Jesus, for my happy, thankful heart today.  Thank you for your grace, your blessing, and your presence I feel when I look at my children.  Amen.



  1. "I want to feel all that motherhood has to offer, and delight in it."
    I LOVE this!
    Thanks for inspiring me to try to do more of that too.

    1. Sometimes we all need to remember this!

  2. Amen
    Always easy to complain about the bad things and not be greatful for all that is good in our lives

    1. So true - better to focus on the good things!

  3. The rollercoaster of parenthood, hey! Loved this post, it's so true - we have a lot to be thankful for and the positive outshines the difficult parts by far. Lots of lovies xx

    1. Definitely a non-stop rollercoaster ride!

  4. The one test comment had to appear! I do not know where the others went. Congratulations on the lovely Ella. I hope you are feeling better and the breastfeeding is going well. You are such a positive Mommy.

    1. Sorry you're having a hard time commenting!!
      Thanks so much, breastfeeding going much, much better now.


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