Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mommy I'm a dolphin!

Mia and I went swimming at the gym yesterday morning.

She loved it!  We had the pool to ourselves, and we spent just over half an hour kicking, splashing, jumping in, and floating.  

She kept saying, "So much fun!" and, "Mommy I'm a dolphin!" with squeals of delight and joy.

Yay!  That's what I wanted, that's how swimming should be!

I'll take her once a week, and we can swim this way - there's loads of info on the internet on how to teach kids to swim - I'd really like to teach her myself. :-)



  1. Look at you two cutie-pies in your swimwear :-D
    I bet you're going to have oodles of fun in the pool, enjoy every minute

    1. Hehe, just had to take a pic of us two in our caps!
      Thanks, this is definitely the most fun option, yay!

  2. LOVE the pic!! You're right, that's how swimming should be ... fun fun fun :-) Munchkin goes with her dad on a Saturday and she absolutely loves it too!

    Just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your blog while on leave, just not commenting cos I was reading it on my phone.

    WOuld have loved to go to the CHilli Peppers ... but I will see you at Bon Jovi!!! :-D Am so excited. They were actually the first band I ever saw live back when I was 16 or 17 or something ... and I'm going with the same friend I went with back then! :-)

    1. Ah thanks Nusha, and thanks that you've been checking in on my blog, appreciate it!
      That's supercute that Munchkin and her dad swim together.
      YAY that u're going to Bon Jovi too, woohoo!!

  3. Gosh, I've lost all my blog buddies, you guys are all over the place, but at least I can find a few of them courtesy the links on your page.
    Just caught up with all your 2013 blogs. Well, isn't Mia just a cute little button, always has been but still. So cute man in her little swimming cozzie. I'm planning on doing lessons with Liam this year. I feel a bit odd because I used to be a competitive swimmer in my younger days and strange that I feel I can't teach my own son. But I think it's better if someone else do it, I think he might take instruction better from them. Must still investigate. I would also prefer to swim with him as opposed to sitting on the side lines.
    Better be off, gotta fetch the man from school.
    Will check in more often (I hope)

    1. Ah thanks for checking in Helen! Sorry we're all over the place!
      Hehe, I hear what u say RE Liam taking better instruction from someone else... But see how it goes - my original plan was that somebody else teach her, now changed my mind that I'm gonna give it a bash!

  4. Best decision ever! She is clearly thrilled at the idea of swimming with mommy! And who says you can't teach her. I'm pretty sure I was taught by my parents, certainly didn't go for lessons. How great that you are able to have some one-on-one pool time with her! Yay.

    You guys look too cute!

    1. Thanks! Yes, we all seem to have learnt how to swim by our parents, and we're fine! I only went for lessons much later to learn specific strokes.
      Definitely best decision! :-)


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