Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Just love long weekends!

If only every weekend was a 3-day weekend!

We had a special time filled with snuggles and family. 

Little Ella has been in a good mood lately, so we're enjoying her lots - she's started making some new baby coo-ing sounds which are just too adorable for words, she loves to smile at us, and she's so content most of the time!  Even the night feeds are going so well, she gives me a stretch of about 5 hours the first time, then we're up for about an hour, and then she snoozes another 3-4 hours. Although I usually need to get up halfway through that second stretch to start preparing school lunch box, get dressed, and wake Mia up.

Mia has recovered from all her ailments, including a bout of very bad sleeping last week.  She was crying in her sleep, we would have to physically wake her up and resettle her, and it just escalated from 3-4 times a night to 6 times the one night last week!  I got some Rescue drops and gave it to her from early evening, and put lavender essential oil in her bath and did a massage for her with some of the lavender drops. It worked, since then she's slept fine, only calling us if she's lost her duvet.

Father's Day was special, my family came to us for a braai.  The rest of Sunday was so lazy, first had a snooze on the couch with both girlies, and then we spent the rest of the evening in our room, as it's the warmest place in the house!

Monday morning saw me getting up very early, for my first ever 5km fun-run! Well, fun-walk, rather!  I met three of my friends there, and it took us about an hour to walk the 5km, chatting away the whole time, was so nice!  Was so chuffed, we received a medal for taking part, it's my first-ever medal in my life! Yay! ;-) 
My shins are a bit sore today, but I really enjoyed this and want to try and do it more often.  A bit of exercise, a bit of socialising - perfect!


  1. You have a beautiful family! Your girls are adorable:)

    I really admire that you are taking time to do runs and short workouts with a 2 month old! I don't think I could ever be that dedicated after the birth of my kids...hence why I am in this mess to begin with...lol.

    1. Thanks so much for popping over to my blog, appreciate it!
      And thanks - it is tough with a small baby, to have my weight loss mission taking up such a big portion of my focus... but it is important to me... plus, I really can't afford to buy new clothes in bigger sizes, so my limited wardrobe is added motivation!!

  2. I also wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend! Looks like you had so much fun at the walk, especially love the pics of you laying on the bed with your girlies.

    I'm also going to need to step it up when this baby is here with regards to weightloss but for now, I'm just going to enjoy being pregnant and watch you, while taking notes of what you're doing. Because I know you are going to do great and will reach your goal weight in no time!

    1. Ah thanks for words of encouragement Kim!
      Snuggle-time with the girlies is just the best.

  3. Love Ella's hair! Liam's hair used to have a mind of it's own also.
    Yay for the excercise and yay for the medal (why does spell check like my excercise, see I can't even spell it, let alone actually do it. Looks weird

    1. Exercise - LOL, if I spell it the way you did, my spellcheck automatically fixes it, hehe!
      Also adore Ella's hair, too cute.

  4. Ella's shock of hair sticking up is the cutest thing ever!
    Good on you for the exercise, it the small steps that count eventually.

    1. True @ small steps, I must just keep at it!
      Also just love Ella's mohawk hair!

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I am so happy to see your dad looking so well!

    Well done on the 5km, they can be lots of fun to do with friends, even if it is freezing cold :)

    Glad Mia is sleeping better now, you really don't need 2 children waking you up all night!!

    1. Thanks Rox, yes, my dad is really looking well and feeling good, also so glad!
      We must do a 5km walk together too, okay!
      Oh my hat, yes, two kids waking me up was really hectic, eeek.

  6. That pic of Ella with the mohawk thing happening is THE cutest!!! :-)
    Glad Mia's bad sleeping is solved ...
    COngrats on your first medal :-) Here's to it being the first of many!!!

    1. Thanks Nusha, also love the Mohawk hair!
      Yes, my plan is to collect many more medals, yay!


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