Friday, July 5, 2013

Books I have read lately

The last 5 books I read, have all been really good! 
I don't want to give too much away of what the books are about, so will just do a short review on each one.

The Light Between Oceans, by ML Stedman really had a profound effect on me. It's one of those books that just stays with you for days and days after finishing it.  A moral dilemma, so wrong that it feels right.  Told so, so beautifully, I felt as though I was there.  Descriptions of people and places are so vivid and engaging.  Really a highly recommended book!

The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult won't disappoint! This book started off a bit slow and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to carry on - but then it grabbed me and I couldn't stop reading!  Featuring a bread maker, a 90-something year old Nazi, and some twists, with enough descriptions of baking bread to have my mouth water constantly!

Nora Roberts is one of my favourite authors.  I took a bit of a break from her books a while ago, as they often follow a similar storyline - heroine's running from their past, falling in love with rugged village men...  and The Witness also does pretty much that as well.  But - it's written really well, with enough suspense to have me on the edge of my seat, enough twists and descriptions to keep me reading way into the night.  Another one that drew me in so much, I felt as though I was there.

Lesley Pearse, definitely one of my favourite authors!  Forgive Me is her latest book, and I must say, I have read better from her...  It's as though she took this main character, made a list of everything that could possibly go wrong in her life, and then worked it into the story.  Just a bit too much sadness for one person to bear.  Yes, it has a happy ending, of course.  Some of Lesley Pearse's other books that really stand out to me are Belle, The Promise (which follows on Belle and is really, really good!), Hope, and Gypsy.  These are some of my favourite books ever.

Spud - Exit, Pursued by a Bear is the fourth and last book in the Spud series by John van de Ruit.  I really enjoyed the whole series, it's written in diary style of a high school boy, and just full of all types of embarrassing moments of growing up, struggling with adolescent issues, family issues, school, friends, etc.  I enjoyed all four books lots, and when I finished this one, I wished with all my heart there was a 5th, would love to know what happened to Spud after high school! 

I love reading.  If you've read any great books recently, please share!


  1. Great post, Jess! Will definitely look these up. Love Nora Roberts and Jodi Picoult!

    1. Thanks Debs, yip, these books are all worth a read!

  2. Looking forward to reading the first book!

  3. Books I've ready lately. Last weeks YOU magazine. The week before that's YOU magazine. Oh, and the week before that I read the YOU AND HEAT.


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